x86下系统调用 背景 经过之前的汇编实践-解析命令行参数 学习,发现在进行系统调用时,不管是调用syscall(), 还是libc封装的系统调用,最终都是通过int $0x80(32位 i386)或者syscall(x86_64)进入内核态从而调用对应的底层实现,x86_32是通过一个0x80的软中断实现的,而x86_64是通过汇编指令syscall实现。
0x80的软中断策略如何实现系统调用 syscall汇编指令具体做了什么?(64bit) 之前已经简单的学习过内嵌汇编 linux-assembly入门学习 ,在深入探究之前简单的实践学习一下函数调用逻辑。
实践-函数调用堆栈逻辑 实践分为三部分,验证call进行函数调用时堆栈,rbp, rsp指针的处理,不进行编译优化
两个参数传递 八个参数传递 复杂参数传递 两个参数 汇编模拟实现call add,如下
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 int add (int a, int b) { int c = a + b; return c; } int main () { int a = 1 ; int b = 2 ; int c = add(a, b); return 0 ; }
gcc -S add.c进行编译生成汇编进行修改成可以运行的汇编语言
汇编实现call add 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 .text .globl _start add: pushq %rbp movq %rsp, %rbp movl %edi, -20 (%rbp) movl %esi, -24 (%rbp) movl -20 (%rbp), %edx movl -24 (%rbp), %eax addl %edx, %eax movl %eax, -4 (%rbp) movl -4 (%rbp), %eax popq %rbp ret _start: pushq %rbp movq %rsp, %rbp subq $16 , %rsp movl $1 , -4 (%rbp) movl $2 , -8 (%rbp) movl -8 (%rbp), %edx movl -4 (%rbp), %eax movl %edx, %esi movl %eax, %edi call add movl %eax, -12 (%rbp) movl $0 , %eax exit : movq $60 , %rax movq $0 , %rdi syscall
通过gdb记录rbp, rsp的变化
gdb记录rbp, rsp的变化 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 ➜ call-args1 git:(master) ✗ gdb call-args-1 (gdb) b _start Breakpoint 1 at 0x400092 : file call-args-1. s, line 17. (gdb) b add Breakpoint 2 at 0x400078 : file call-args-1. s, line 4. (gdb) run Breakpoint 1 , _start () at call-args-1. s:17 17 pushq %rbp(gdb) p/x $rsp $1 = 0x7fffffffda90 (gdb) x/x 0x7fffffffda90 0x7fffffffda90 : 0x00000001 >>_start 只有一个参数,就是call-args-1 目标本身(gdb) p/x $rbp $2 = 0x0 >>rbp此时还是0 (gdb) n 18 movq %rsp, %rbp(gdb) x/x $rsp 0x7fffffffda88 : 0x00000000 >>push以后,栈增长,地址-8 字节(gdb) n 19 subq $16 , %rsp(gdb) x/x $rbp 0x7fffffffda88 : 0x00000000 >> rbp = rsp(gdb) n 20 movl $1 , -4 (%rbp)(gdb) x/x $rsp 0x7fffffffda78 : 0x00000000 >>栈顶下移16 (gdb) n 6 26 call add(gdb) info registers rax 0x1 1 rbx 0x0 0 rcx 0x0 0 rdx 0x2 2 rsi 0x2 2 rdi 0x1 1 rbp 0x7fffffffda88 0x7fffffffda88 rsp 0x7fffffffda78 0x7fffffffda78 (gdb) n Breakpoint 2 , add () at call-args-1. s:4 4 pushq %rbp(gdb) info registers rax 0x1 1 rbx 0x0 0 rcx 0x0 0 rdx 0x2 2 rsi 0x2 2 rdi 0x1 1 rbp 0x7fffffffda88 0x7fffffffda88 rsp 0x7fffffffda70 0x7fffffffda70 >>可以发现call调用会使rsp下移8 个字节,说明有入栈操作,开始add的堆栈 (gdb) n 5 movq %rsp, %rbp(gdb) x/x $rsp 0x7fffffffda68 : 0xffffda88 >>rbp入栈,栈顶下移8 位(gdb) n 6 movl %edi, -20 (%rbp)(gdb) x/x $rbp 0x7fffffffda68 : 0xffffda88 >>保证add开始前rbp = rsp,代表栈底 = 栈顶(gdb) n 7 13 popq %rbp >>add栈底的rbp出栈给rbp, 即调用者的栈底地址(gdb) n add () at call-args-1. s:14 14 ret (gdb) x/x $rbp 0x7fffffffda88 : 0x00000000 >>_start的栈底(gdb) x/x $rsp 0x7fffffffda70 : 0x004000b7 >>rbp出栈, rsp+8 , 发现call时入栈时存放的是调用者调用完成之后的下一条指令(gdb) n _start () at call-args-1. s:27 27 movl %eax, -12 (%rbp)(gdb) x/x $rsp 0x7fffffffda78 : 0x00000000 >>ret会将保存的rip出栈,给到rip(gdb) p/x $rip $4 = 0x4000b7 (gdb) disassemble _start Dump of assembler code for function _start: 0x0000000000400092 <+0 >: push %rbp 0x0000000000400093 <+1 >: mov %rsp,%rbp 0x0000000000400096 <+4 >: sub $0x10 ,%rsp 0x000000000040009a <+8 >: movl $0x1 ,-0x4 (%rbp) 0x00000000004000a1 <+15 >: movl $0x2 ,-0x8 (%rbp) 0x00000000004000a8 <+22 >: mov -0x8 (%rbp),%edx 0x00000000004000ab <+25 >: mov -0x4 (%rbp),%eax 0x00000000004000ae <+28 >: mov %edx,%esi 0x00000000004000b0 <+30 >: mov %eax,%edi 0x00000000004000b2 <+32 >: call 0x400078 <add> => 0x00000000004000b7 <+37 >: mov %eax,-0xc (%rbp) 0x00000000004000ba <+40 >: mov $0x0 ,%eax
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 data addr 代表 0x1 <--- 0x7fffffffda90 参数个数 0x0 <--- 0x7fffffffda88 pushq %rbp0x0 <--- 0x7fffffffda78 _start栈顶 subq $16 , %rsp0x004000b7 <--- 0x7fffffffda70 保存返回后的rip call add0xffffda88 <--- 0x7fffffffda68 _start栈底 pushq %rbp
1. 将调用者的栈底地址(即rbp的值) 入栈
2. rbp = rsp, 栈底和栈顶一致,栈顶可以subl设置
3. 对栈的处理为rbp - offset处理
4. 调用函数(call)时将 回调以后的下一个指令(rip)入栈
5. 函数重复1, 2
6. 函数执行完成将调用者的rbp出栈
7. ret返回,将保存的rip出栈,此时rbp, rsp,rip都指向调用者
八个参数 汇编模拟实现call add,如下
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 int add (int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h) { int ext = 20 ; int j = a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+ext; return j; } int main () { int a = 1 , b = 2 , c = 3 , d = 4 , e = 5 , f = 6 , g = 7 , h = 8 ; int i = add(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); return 0 ; }
gcc -s add.c进行编译生成汇编进行修改成可以运行的汇编语言
汇编实现call add, 8个参数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 .text .globl _start add: pushq %rbp movq %rsp, %rbp movl %edi, -20 (%rbp) movl %esi, -24 (%rbp) movl %edx, -28 (%rbp) movl %ecx, -32 (%rbp) movl %r8d, -36 (%rbp) movl %r9d, -40 (%rbp) movl $20 , -4 (%rbp) movl -20 (%rbp), %edx movl -24 (%rbp), %eax addl %eax, %edx movl -28 (%rbp), %eax addl %eax, %edx movl -32 (%rbp), %eax addl %eax, %edx movl -36 (%rbp), %eax addl %eax, %edx movl -40 (%rbp), %eax addl %eax, %edx movl 16 (%rbp), %eax addl %eax, %edx movl 24 (%rbp), %eax addl %eax, %edx movl -4 (%rbp), %eax addl %edx, %eax movl %eax, -8 (%rbp) movl -8 (%rbp), %eax popq %rbp ret _start: pushq %rbp movq %rsp, %rbp subq $48 , %rsp movl $1 , -4 (%rbp) movl $2 , -8 (%rbp) movl $3 , -12 (%rbp) movl $4 , -16 (%rbp) movl $5 , -20 (%rbp) movl $6 , -24 (%rbp) movl $7 , -28 (%rbp) movl $8 , -32 (%rbp) movl -24 (%rbp), %r9d movl -20 (%rbp), %r8d movl -16 (%rbp), %ecx movl -12 (%rbp), %edx movl -8 (%rbp), %esi movl -4 (%rbp), %eax movl -32 (%rbp), %edi pushq %rdi movl -28 (%rbp), %edi pushq %rdi movl %eax, %edi call add addq $16 , %rsp movl %eax, -36 (%rbp) movl $0 , %eax exit : movq $60 , %rax movq $0 , %rdi syscall
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ➜ call-args2 git:(master) ✗ gdb call-args-2 (gdb) b call-args-2. s:32 Breakpoint 1 at 0x4000c5 : file call-args-2. s, line 32. (gdb) run Breakpoint 1 , add () at call-args-2. s:32 32 movl -8 (%rbp), %eax(gdb) p/x $eax $1 = 0x38
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 value 7 _start_rbp - 28 8 _start_rbp - 32 8 入栈 add_rbp +24 ,7 入栈 add_rbp +16 ,ret_next_rip _start_rbp
从上实践看出,当参数大于6个时,会通过参数倒序入栈,被调用者通过rbp + offset调用
结构体参数 汇编模拟实现call add,如下
汇编实现call add,结构体参数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 struct TEST { int a1; int a2; int a3; }; void test_func (struct TEST *test_argv, int num) { int sum; sum = test_argv->a2 + test_argv->a3; } int main () { struct TEST test_argv = {.a2 = 2 , .a3=3 }; test_func(&test_argv, 10 ); return 0 ; }
gcc -s add.c进行编译生成汇编进行修改成可以运行的汇编语言
汇编实现call add, 结构体参数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 .text .globl _start test_func: pushq %rbp movq %rsp, %rbp movq %rdi, -24 (%rbp) movl %esi, -28 (%rbp) movq -24 (%rbp), %rax movl 4 (%rax), %edx movq -24 (%rbp), %rax movl 8 (%rax), %eax addl %edx, %eax movl %eax, -4 (%rbp) nop popq %rbp ret _start: pushq %rbp movq %rsp, %rbp subq $16 , %rsp movq $0 , -12 (%rbp) movl $0 , -4 (%rbp) movl $2 , -8 (%rbp) movl $3 , -4 (%rbp) leaq -12 (%rbp), %rax #相当于把-12 (%rbp) 这块内存的地址给到rax movl $10 , %esi movq %rax, %rdi call test_func movl $0 , %eax exit : movq $60 , %rax movq $0 , %rdi syscall
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0x00 _start_rbp3 rbp - 4 ------>rax+8 2 rbp - 8 ----->rax+4 0 rbp - 12 ---->地址给rax rbp -16 _start_rip _start_rbp ret_next_rip
从上看出,参数作为指针时, 参数指向的内存在栈上呈倒序,传递的是通过lea获取到的内存指针
IA-32下系统调用的实现 32位系统调用是通过软中断0x80来实现的,因此重点追踪IA-32下软中断的实现。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 static const __initconst struct idt_data def_idts [] = { INTG(X86_TRAP_DE, asm_exc_divide_error), #ifdef CONFIG_X86_32 TSKG(X86_TRAP_DF, GDT_ENTRY_DOUBLEFAULT_TSS), #else ISTG(X86_TRAP_DF, asm_exc_double_fault, IST_INDEX_DF), #endif ... #if defined(CONFIG_IA32_EMULATION) SYSG(IA32_SYSCALL_VECTOR, entry_INT80_compat), ... }
Interrupte gate
trap gate
task gate
X86_32Interrupte gate with interrupt stack
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 struct idt_data { unsigned int vector ; >>中断号 unsigned int segment; >>GDT_ENTRY_KERNEL_CS*8 = 16 struct idt_bits bits; const void *addr; >>中断入口 }; struct gate_struct { u16 offset_low; u16 segment; struct idt_bits bits ; u16 offset_middle; #ifdef CONFIG_X86_64 u32 offset_high; u32 reserved; #endif } __attribute__((packed)); typedef struct gate_struct gate_desc ;static gate_desc idt_table[IDT_ENTRIES] __page_aligned_bss; >>注意,这是个页对齐的,之后需要映射到cea
将全部的gate 描述填充在idt_table
1 2 3 (gdb) x/8 x system_vectors >>第128 位设置为0 0xffffffff82edd880 <system_vectors>: 0x000fffff 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0xffffffff82edd890 <system_vectors+16 >: 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
1 2 3 4 static struct desc_ptr idt_descr __ro_after_init = { .size = IDT_TABLE_SIZE - 1 , >>4095 = 256 *16 -1 ,实际作为偏移,0 ~4095 .address = (unsigned long ) idt_table, };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 static inline void store_idt (struct desc_ptr *dtr) { asm volatile ("sidt %0" :"=m" (*dtr)) ; } static __always_inline void native_load_idt (const struct desc_ptr *dtr) { asm volatile ("lidt %0" ::"m" (*dtr)) ; }
是一个64+16 bit构成的寄存器,前面保存线性基地址,后面保存偏移
1 2 3 4 5 6 47 (79 ) 1615 0 +--------------------------------------+---------------------------+ | | | | 32 (64 )-bit Linear Base Address | 16 -Bit Table Limit | | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------+
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 static int store_idt_init (void ) { struct desc_ptr desc_ptr_test ; pr_info("module store_idt enter\n" ); store_idt(&desc_ptr_test); pr_info("idt size is %u, idt base addr is %px in arch x86_64\n" , desc_ptr_test.size, (void *)desc_ptr_test.address); return 0 ; } static void store_idt_exit (void ) { pr_info("module store_idt exit\n" ); } module_init(store_idt_init); module_exit(store_idt_exit);
1 2 [ 33.018534 ] module store_idt enter [ 33.018736 ] idt size is 4095 , idt base addr is fffffe0000000000 in arch x86_64
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (gdb) p/x &idt_table $58 = 0xffffffff82eab000 (gdb) x/x 0xffffffff82eab000 0xffffffff82eab000 <idt_table>: 0x00100860 (gdb) x/x 0xfffffe0000000000 0 x fe0000000000: 0x00100860 (gdb) p/x &idt_table[1 ] $59 = 0xffffffff82eab010 (gdb) x/x 0xfffffe0000000010 0xfffffe0000000010 : 0x00100b30 (gdb) x/x 0xffffffff82eab010 0xffffffff82eab010 <idt_table+16 >: 0x00100b30
奇怪,为什么地址是不同的呢?检查地址区域,内存分配见x86_64/mm.txt , 发现这是一块cpu_entry_area
1 fffffe0000000000 | -2 TB | fffffe7fffffffff | 0.5 TB | cpu_entry_area mapping
1 cea_set_pte(CPU_ENTRY_AREA_RO_IDT_VADDR, __pa_symbol(idt_table),PAGE_KERNEL_RO); >>将对应的idt_table物理页映射到cea, 且4096 字节正好一页,并且将页设置为只读
cea cea是一块指定了的线性内存区域,从fffffe0000000000
1 2 3 4 CPU_ENTRY_AREA_BASE 映射到 idt_table CPU_ENTRY_AREA_BASE + PAGE_SIZE cpu 0 的 cea区域0xfffffe0000001000 CPU_ENTRY_AREA_BASE + PAGE_SIZE + 1 *CPU_ENTRY_AREA_SIZE cpu 1 的 cea区域0xfffffe000003C000 CPU_ENTRY_AREA_BASE + PAGE_SIZE + 2 *CPU_ENTRY_AREA_SIZE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 struct cpu_entry_area { char gdt[PAGE_SIZE]; //cs&ds段 + tss段 16字节 + ldt 16字节 struct entry_stack_page entry_stack_page; //per_cpu entry_stack_storage struct tss_struct tss; //tss per_cpu cpu_tss_rw #上面这三个都是per-cpu变量,且都是页对齐 struct cea_exception_stacks estacks; >>IST entry per_cpu ... };
等映射到每个cpu 这些参数对应的物理地址区域。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DEFINE_PER_CPU_PAGE_ALIGNED(struct gdt_page, gdt_page) = { .gdt = { [GDT_ENTRY_KERNEL32_CS] = GDT_ENTRY_INIT(0xc09b , 0 , 0xfffff ), [GDT_ENTRY_KERNEL_CS] = GDT_ENTRY_INIT(0xa09b , 0 , 0xfffff ), [GDT_ENTRY_KERNEL_DS] = GDT_ENTRY_INIT(0xc093 , 0 , 0xfffff ), [GDT_ENTRY_DEFAULT_USER32_CS] = GDT_ENTRY_INIT(0xc0fb , 0 , 0xfffff ), [GDT_ENTRY_DEFAULT_USER_DS] = GDT_ENTRY_INIT(0xc0f3 , 0 , 0xfffff ), [GDT_ENTRY_DEFAULT_USER_CS] = GDT_ENTRY_INIT(0xa0fb , 0 , 0xfffff ), ...
GDT GDT全称为global descriptor table
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 struct desc_struct { u16 limit0; u16 base0; u16 base1: 8 , type: 4 , s: 1 , dpl: 2 , p: 1 ; u16 limit1: 4 , avl: 1 , l: 1 , d: 1 , g: 1 , base2: 8 ; } __attribute__((packed)); struct gdt_page { struct desc_struct gdt [GDT_ENTRIES ]; } __attribute__((aligned(PAGE_SIZE)));
这些段描述通过段选择(segment selector)分为以下几类,我们通过这些段选择来找到对应的段描述
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 #define GDT_ENTRY_KERNEL32_CS 1 #define GDT_ENTRY_KERNEL_CS 2 #define GDT_ENTRY_KERNEL_DS 3 #define GDT_ENTRY_DEFAULT_USER32_CS 4 #define GDT_ENTRY_DEFAULT_USER_DS 5 #define GDT_ENTRY_DEFAULT_USER_CS 6 #define GDT_ENTRY_TSS 8 >>2*8=16字节 #define GDT_ENTRY_LDT 10 >>2*8=16字节
每个cpu都有自己的GDT,在启动时也被映射到cea区域。我们将GDT线性基地址(cea或者per cpu)保存在GDTR
时会写内存(gdtr + TSS偏移作为立即数),但是cea区域是RO
MSR_GS_BASE 这是gs寄存器,用户态可以用来自定义(不知道其他方法,因为wrmsr指令是用户层不可用的),内核态指向该cpu的per cpu区域地址。
1 2 3 4 5 6 wrmsrl(MSR_GS_BASE, cpu_kernelmode_gs_base(cpu)); static inline unsigned long cpu_kernelmode_gs_base (int cpu) { return (unsigned long )per_cpu(fixed_percpu_data.gs_base, cpu); }
将该cpu对应的per cpu部分的fixed_percpu_data.gs_base
是per cpu区域的第一个成员
1 2 DEFINE_PER_CPU_FIRST(struct fixed_percpu_data,fixed_percpu_data) __aligned(PAGE_SIZE) __visible; EXPORT_PER_CPU_SYMBOL_GPL(fixed_percpu_data)
因此该cpu下的gs寄存器保存的是per cpu的基地址,也是该cpu对应的__per_cpu_offset
1 2 3 4 5 __per_cpu_start(0x0 ) --------__per_cpu_end -----percpu0区域 ------percpu1区域 | | | |-------------------__per_cpu_offset[0 ]-------------| | | | |------------------------__per_cpu_offset[1 ]----------------------------------|
打印每个cpu的gs寄存器,查看每个per cpu的基址
1 2 (gdb) p/x __per_cpu_offset $22 = {0xffff88803fc00000 , 0xffff88803fd00000 , 0xffffffff82cf5000 <repeats 510 times>} >>前两个有效,因为guest只有两个cpu
寄存器 用户态和内核态的数值不一样,因此需要MSR_KERNEL_GS_BASE
1 #define MSR_KERNEL_GS_BASE 0xc0000102
保存该cpu下的per cpu
任务管理 任务管理包括
TSS TSS 描述符 实际需要写入GDT TSS段描述符,占16字节 task任务寄存器 task 门描述符 IDT门 (暂不研究) TSS用来保存任务在cpu中的状态方便恢复,比如指向弹性栈的指针sp0等
1 2 3 4 struct tss_struct { struct x86_hw_tss x86_tss ; struct x86_io_bitmap io_bitmap ; } __aligned(PAGE_SIZE);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 +----------------+ | x86_hw_tss | <-----------------| |--------------- |---->per cpu tss | | io_bitmap | | +----------------+ | | +----------------+ | | base0 | | |--------------- | | | base1 | | +----------------+ 指向---------------| | base2 | +----------------+ | base2 | +----------------+ per cpu gdt TSS段部分 ------ltr指令---写入任务寄存器,主要是指向x86_hw_tss地址
弹性栈 在进行系统调用时,是从用户态ring3切换到内核态ring0,linux实现中只有ring3
,不同权限级别的切换,需要从用户栈切到内核栈,但并不是直接切到内核栈,而是先切换到弹性栈,再切到内核栈,这样可以在切换到内核栈前增加一些代码操作,该特性的增加见Use a per-CPU trampoline stack for IDT entries 。
,修改引入见git show 1591584
对应task的stack entry_INT80_compat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ➜ linux git:(master) ✗ gdb vmlinux GNU gdb (Ubuntu 11.1-0ubuntu2) 11.1 (gdb) b entry_INT80_compat Breakpoint 1 at 0xffffffff81c015a0 : file arch/x86/entry/entry_64_compat.S, line 268. (gdb) target remote:1234 Remote debugging using :1234 0xffffffff81b3e810 in default_idle () at arch/x86/kernel/process.c:729 (gdb) c Continuing. >>之后通过汇编进行系统调用 int 0x80 Thread 1 hit Breakpoint 1, 0xffffffff81c015a0 in entry_INT80_compat () at arch/x86/entry/entry_64_compat.S:268 268 int3(gdb) n 304 SWAPGS (gdb) p $rsp $1 = (void *) 0xfffffe000003dfd8 >>此时已经在弹性栈中
1 2 3 4 5 6 load_sp0((unsigned long )(cpu_entry_stack(cpu) + 1 )); >>注意+1 其实是+ sizeof (struct entry_stack) static __always_inline struct entry_stack *cpu_entry_stack (int cpu) { return &get_cpu_entry_area(cpu)->entry_stack_page.stack ; }
1 2 (gdb) p $lx_current().thread_info $3 = {flags = 536870912 , syscall_work = 0 , status = 0 , cpu = 1 }
1 2 3 IDT 一页0x1000 CPU0 sizeof (struct cpu_entry_area) = 0x3b000 CPU1 gdt 一页 之后才是entry_stack_page,size也是一页
而切换到sp0指向的栈(弹性栈)时会自动push相关寄存器,而且是从sp0指向的栈顶向下增长,注意Error Code
1 2 3 4 5 6 (gdb) p/x 0xfffffe0000000000 + 0x1000 + 0x3b000 + 0x1000 + 0x1000 $16 = 0xfffffe000003e000 (gdb) p/x 0xfffffe000003e000 - 40 $18 = 0xfffffe000003dfd8 >>因此这是entry_INT80_compat 的入口栈顶,也是CEA区域,但是CEA部分是只读部分
之后将rax寄存器push,此时Error Code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... (gdb) n 325 movq PER_CPU_VAR(cpu_current_top_of_stack), %rsp >> movq %gs:cpu_current_top_of_stack, %rsp (gdb) n entry_INT80_compat () at arch/x86/entry/entry_64_compat.S:327 327 pushq 5 *8 (%rax) (gdb) p $rsp $19 = (void *) 0xffffc900003b0000 (gdb) p $lx_current().stack >>当前任务的内核栈 $20 = (void *) 0xffffc900003ac000 0xffffc900003ac000 + 0x4000 = 0xffffc900003b0000
在切换到新task __switch_to
1 this_cpu_write(cpu_current_top_of_stack, task_top_of_stack(next_p));
变量,计算方式为 per cpu区域基址 + cpu_current_top_of_stack的符号
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (gdb) p/x __per_cpu_offset $22 = {0xffff88803fc00000 , 0xffff88803fd00000 , 0xffffffff82cf5000 <repeats 510 times>} 000000000001b f10 D cpu_current_top_of_stack所以cpu1上的%gs:cpu_current_top_of_stack的值为 0xffff88803fd00000 + 0x1bf10 = 0xffff88803fd1bf10 指向的数据 (gdb) x/2 x 0xffff88803fd1bf10 >>注意这是一个指向64 位的地址 0xffff88803fd1bf10 : 0x003b0000 0xffffc900 >>0xffffc900003b0000
内核栈 内核栈指向当前该cpu上执行任务的线程栈,为任务结构体task_struct
1 2 (gdb) p $lx_current().stack >>当前任务的内核栈 $20 = (void *) 0xffffc900003ac000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +----------------+ <--高位 | | | struct pt_regs | < --寄存器保存,方便任务切换现场恢复 | | +----------------+ | | | | | | +----------------- <---低位
x64_32 系统调用中断流程总结 系统中断处理分为四部分
两位, KPTI相关
返回用户态 swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode
POP_REGS pop_rdi=0
将内核栈的寄存器pop到对应寄存器rsp切到弹性栈,保存返回时的寄存器信息到弹性栈 通过SWITCH_TO_USER_CR3_STACK
进行cr3相关控制 SWAPGS
切换gs寄存器64位下系统调用的实现 实现流程 关于SYSCALL, Intel架构文档是这么描述的
5.8.8 Fast System Calls in 64-Bit Mode For SYSCALL, the processor saves RFLAGS into R11 and the RIP of the next instruction into RCX; it then gets the privilege-level 0 target code segment, instruction pointer, stack segment, and flags as follows: • • Target code segment — Reads a non-NULL selector from IA32_STAR[47:32]. • • Stack segment — Computed by adding 8 to the value in IA32_STAR[47:32]. Target instruction pointer — Reads a 64-bit address from IA32_LSTAR. (The WRMSR instruction ensures that the value of the IA32_LSTAR MSR is canonical.) Flags — The processor sets RFLAGS to the logical-AND of its current value with the complement of the value in the IA32_FMASK MSR.
从以上可以得知syscall调用后将从IA32_LSTAR MSR寄存器中读一个64位的地址,当作下一个执行的指令,存放在RIP寄存器,当然我们系统启动时得先通过WRMSR指令将一个地址写到IA32_LSTAR下。同时获取目标代码段,堆栈等。
1 #define IA32_SYSCALL_VECTOR 0x80
1 2 3 4 5 SYM_CODE_START(entry_INT80_compat) SYM_CODE_START(entry_SYSCALL_64)
在系统启动CPU 初始化时,通过wrmsr函数写MSR_LSTAR
完成MSR IA32_LSTAR寄存器的赋值
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 void syscall_init (void ) { wrmsr(MSR_STAR, 0 , (__USER32_CS << 16 ) | __KERNEL_CS); wrmsrl(MSR_LSTAR, (unsigned long )entry_SYSCALL_64); ... }
wrmsr函数的具体实现 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 static inline void wrmsrl (unsigned int msr, u64 val) { native_write_msr(msr, (u32)(val & 0xffffffff ULL), (u32)(val >> 32 )); } static noinline __attribute__((__unused__)) void notracenative_write_msr(unsigned int msr, u32 low, u32 high) { __wrmsr(msr, low, high); if (tracepoint_enabled(write_msr)) do_trace_write_msr(msr, ((u64)high << 32 | low), 0 ); } static __always_inline void __wrmsr(unsigned int msr, u32 low, u32 high){ asm volatile ("1: wrmsr\n" "2:\n" _ASM_EXTABLE_TYPE(1b , 2b , EX_TYPE_WRMSR) : : "c" (msr), "a" (low), "d" (high) : "memory" ) ;}
从代码看,内联汇编 输入部分为 MSR_LSTAR给ecx, 函数地址低位给eax, 高位给edx.
Inter 文档是这么描述wrmsr
和 rdmsr
2.8.7 Reading and Writing Model-Specific Registers The RDMSR (read model-specific register) and WRMSR (write model-specific register) instructions allow a processor’s 64-bit model-specific registers (MSRs) to be read and written, respectively. The MSR to be read or written is specified by the value in the ECX register. RDMSR reads the value from the specified MSR to the EDX:EAX registers; WRMSR writes the value in the EDX:EAX registers to the specified MSR. RDMSR and WRMSR were introduced into the IA-32 architecture with the Pentium processor. See Section 9.4, “Model-Specific Registers (MSRs),” for more information. Reading and Writing Model-Specific Registers in 64-Bit Mode RDMSR and WRMSR require an index to specify the address of an MSR. In 64-bit mode, the index is 32 bits; it is specified using ECX.
都需要指明一个32位的地址存放在ECX1 2 3 4 #define MSR_STAR 0xc0000081 #define MSR_LSTAR 0xc0000082 #define MSR_CSTAR 0xc0000083
读写都是通过edx:eax 寄存器, dex->high位, eax->low位 实践-内联汇编读取MSR 指定寄存器 Arch:x86_64 一个读取MSR 中存储SYSCALL地址寄存器的驱动 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 #define MSR_LSTAR 0xc0000082 #define asm __asm__ #define volatile __volatile__ #define ULL1 unsigned long long ULL1 noinline rdmsr_test (ULL1 msr) { ULL1 low, high; asm volatile ("1: rdmsr\n" "2: \n" : "=a" (low), "=d" (high) : "c" (msr) :) ; return (low | high << 32 ); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(rdmsr_test); static int rdmsr_init (void ) { ULL1 syscall_address; pr_info("module rdmsr enter\n" ); syscall_address = rdmsr_test(MSR_LSTAR); pr_info("syscall address is %px in arch x86_64\n" , (void *)syscall_address); return 0 ; } static void rdmsr_exit (void ) { pr_info("module rdmsr exit\n" ); }
1 2 3 / # insmod rdmsr.ko [ 222.170159 ] module rdmsr enter [ 222.183059 ] syscall address is ffffffff81c00000 in arch x86_64
linux实现代码细节 gdb抓取guest中args-x86_64
入口堆栈分析,代码见解析命令行参数-64位汇编 :
因为短时间内syscall触发的次数很多,我们需要通过一个关键点判断是否为args-x86_64程序触发, 而syscall指令会导致rcx保存为args-x86_64中的next-rip,因此检查一下对应的指令
1 2 3 4 5 6 ➜ x86-busybox-rootfs objdump -dS args-x86_64 ... syscall 4000 a3: 0f 05 syscall jmp vnext 4000 a5: eb d2 jmp 400079 <vnext>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (gdb) target remote:1234 Remote debugging using :1234 0xffffffff81b0e21b in native_safe_halt () at ./arch/x86/include/asm/irqflags.h:51 51 asm volatile ("sti; hlt" : : :"memory" ) ;(gdb) b entry_SYSCALL_64 Breakpoint 1 at 0xffffffff81c00000 : file arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S, line 91. (gdb) c Continuing. ... Thread 2 hit Breakpoint 1 , entry_SYSCALL_64 () at arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:91 91 swapgs(gdb) p/x $rcx $1 = 0x4000a5 >>是由我们触发 (gdb) p $rsp $2 = (void *) 0x7ffc9fcc79f0 >>此时在用户态堆栈,而不是在弹性栈
需要的寄存器部分入栈,并将栈顶指针给到rdx作为第一个参数, rax(保存的是系统调用number)作为第二个参数 见entry_SYSCALL_64
`entry_SYSCALL_64`反汇编 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 (gdb) disassemble entry_SYSCALL_64 ... >>swapgs mov %rsp,%gs:0x6014 >>保存用户rsp到sp2 cr3切换,然后切到内核栈 ... 0xffffffff81c00029 <+41 >: push $0x2b >>用户数据段 0xffffffff81c0002b <+43 >: push %gs:0x6014 >>用户栈顶rsp 0xffffffff81c00033 <+51 >: push %r11 >>标志位,第一次push,作为eflags 0xffffffff81c00035 <+53 >: push $0x33 >>用户代码段 0xffffffff81c00037 <+55 >: push %rcx >>用户next rip,第一次push rcx,作为保留的rip 0xffffffff81c00038 <+56 >: push %rax 0xffffffff81c00039 <+57 >: push %rdi 0xffffffff81c0003a <+58 >: push %rsi 0xffffffff81c0003b <+59 >: push %rdx 0xffffffff81c0003c <+60 >: push %rcx >>第二次push rcx, 0xffffffff81c0003d <+61 >: push $0xffffffffffffffda 0xffffffff81c0003f <+63 >: push %r8 0xffffffff81c00041 <+65 >: push %r9 0xffffffff81c00043 <+67 >: push %r10 0xffffffff81c00045 <+69 >: push %r11 >>第二次push标志位 0xffffffff81c00047 <+71 >: push %rbx 0xffffffff81c00048 <+72 >: push %rbp 0xffffffff81c00049 <+73 >: push %r12 0xffffffff81c0004b <+75 >: push %r13 0xffffffff81c0004d <+77 >: push %r14 0xffffffff81c0004f <+79 >: push %r15 0xffffffff81c00051 <+81 >: xor %edx,%edx 0xffffffff81c00053 <+83 >: xor %ecx,%ecx 0xffffffff81c00055 <+85 >: xor %r8d,%r8d 0xffffffff81c00058 <+88 >: xor %r9d,%r9d 0xffffffff81c0005b <+91 >: xor %r10d,%r10d 0xffffffff81c0005e <+94 >: xor %r11d,%r11d 0xffffffff81c00061 <+97 >: xor %ebx,%ebx 0xffffffff81c00063 <+99 >: xor %ebp,%ebp 0xffffffff81c00065 <+101 >: xor %r12d,%r12d 0xffffffff81c00068 <+104 >: xor %r13d,%r13d 0xffffffff81c0006b <+107 >: xor %r14d,%r14d 0xffffffff81c0006e <+110 >: xor %r15d,%r15d 0xffffffff81c00071 <+113 >: mov %rsp,%rdi >>采用栈指针方式传递参数 0xffffffff81c00074 <+116 >: movslq %eax,%rsi >>为什么采用扩展位?为了安全吗? 0xffffffff81c00077 <+119 >: call 0xffffffff81afa0e0 <do_syscall_64> >>实际系统调用处理 0xffffffff81c0007c <+124 >: nop 0xffffffff81c0007d <+125 >: nop 0xffffffff81c0007e <+126 >: nop 0xffffffff81c0007f <+127 >: nop 0xffffffff81c00080 <+128 >: nop 0xffffffff81c00081 <+129 >: mov 0x58 (%rsp),%rcx >>复原rcx寄存器 0xffffffff81c00086 <+134 >: mov 0x80 (%rsp),%r11 >>将用户栈下一个的rip暂存在r11中 0xffffffff81c0008e <+142 >: cmp %rcx,%r11 >>因为都是push的rcx,应该是相等的才对 0xffffffff81c00091 <+145 >: jne 0xffffffff81c00ed0 <common_interrupt_return> 0xffffffff81c00097 <+151 >: shl $0x10 ,%rcx >>5 级页表特性相关 0xffffffff81c0009b <+155 >: sar $0x10 ,%rcx 0xffffffff81c0009f <+159 >: cmp %rcx,%r11 0xffffffff81c000a2 <+162 >: jne 0xffffffff81c00ed0 <common_interrupt_return> 0xffffffff81c000a8 <+168 >: cmpq $0x33 ,0x88 (%rsp) >>检查保存的cs段选择是正确的 0xffffffff81c000b1 <+177 >: jne 0xffffffff81c00ed0 <common_interrupt_return> 0xffffffff81c000b7 <+183 >: mov 0x30 (%rsp),%r11 >>r11复原 0xffffffff81c000bc <+188 >: cmp %r11,0x90 (%rsp) >>>>保证r11=eflags 0xffffffff81c000c4 <+196 >: jne 0xffffffff81c00ed0 <common_interrupt_return> 0xffffffff81c000ca <+202 >: test $0x10100 ,%r11 0xffffffff81c000d1 <+209 >: jne 0xffffffff81c00ed0 <common_interrupt_return> 0xffffffff81c000d7 <+215 >: cmpq $0x2b ,0xa0 (%rsp) >>检查保存的ds段选择是正确的 0xffffffff81c000e0 <+224 >: jne 0xffffffff81c00ed0 <common_interrupt_return> >>开始恢复用户栈现场 0xffffffff81c000e6 <+230 >: pop %r15 0xffffffff81c000e8 <+232 >: pop %r14 0xffffffff81c000ea <+234 >: pop %r13 0xffffffff81c000ec <+236 >: pop %r12 0xffffffff81c000ee <+238 >: pop %rbp 0xffffffff81c000ef <+239 >: pop %rbx 0xffffffff81c000f0 <+240 >: pop %rsi >>r11的值保存在了rsi中,之后rsi会被保存的rsi覆盖 0xffffffff81c000f1 <+241 >: pop %r10 0xffffffff81c000f3 <+243 >: pop %r9 0xffffffff81c000f5 <+245 >: pop %r8 0xffffffff81c000f7 <+247 >: pop %rax 0xffffffff81c000f8 <+248 >: pop %rsi 0xffffffff81c000f9 <+249 >: pop %rdx 0xffffffff81c000fa <+250 >: pop %rsi 0xffffffff81c000fb <+251 >: mov %rsp,%rdi >>保存指向栈中rdi的指针 0xffffffff81c000fe <+254 >: mov %gs:0x6004 ,%rsp >>切换到弹性栈 0xffffffff81c00107 <+263 >: push 0x28 (%rdi) >>保存rsp 0x7ffc9fcc79f0 0xffffffff81c0010a <+266 >: push (%rdi) >>保存rdi >>cr3切换开始 0xffffffff81c0010c <+268 >: push %rax 0x00000001 0xffffffff81c0010d <+269 >: jmp 0xffffffff81c00152 <entry_SYSCALL_64+338 > 0xffffffff81c0010f <+271 >: mov %cr3,%rdi 0xffffffff81c00112 <+274 >: jmp 0xffffffff81c00148 <entry_SYSCALL_64+328 > 0xffffffff81c00114 <+276 >: mov %rdi,%rax 0xffffffff81c00117 <+279 >: and $0x7ff ,%rdi 0xffffffff81c0011e <+286 >: bt %rdi,%gs:0x2ca96 0xffffffff81c00128 <+296 >: jae 0xffffffff81c00139 <entry_SYSCALL_64+313 > 0xffffffff81c0012a <+298 >: btr %rdi,%gs:0x2ca96 0xffffffff81c00134 <+308 >: mov %rax,%rdi 0xffffffff81c00137 <+311 >: jmp 0xffffffff81c00141 <entry_SYSCALL_64+321 > 0xffffffff81c00139 <+313 >: mov %rax,%rdi 0xffffffff81c0013c <+316 >: bts $0x3f ,%rdi 0xffffffff81c00141 <+321 >: or $0x800 ,%rdi 0xffffffff81c00148 <+328 >: or $0x1000 ,%rdi 0xffffffff81c0014f <+335 >: mov %rdi,%cr3 0xffffffff81c00152 <+338 >: pop %rax >>弹性栈出栈 >>cr3切换结束 0xffffffff81c00153 <+339 >: pop %rdi 0xffffffff81c00154 <+340 >: pop %rsp 0xffffffff81c00155 <+341 >: swapgs 0xffffffff81c00158 <+344 >: rex.W sysret
继续gdb debug
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 (gdb) b do_syscall_64 Breakpoint 2 at 0xffffffff81afa0e0 : file arch/x86/entry/common.c, line 74. (gdb) n 10 Thread 2 hit Breakpoint 2 , do_syscall_64 (regs=0xffffc900004cbf58 , nr=1 ) at arch/x86/entry/common.c:74 74 {(gdb) p/x $rax $2 = 0x1 >>对应sys_write num (gdb) n 75 add_random_kstack_offset();(gdb) n 76 nr = syscall_enter_from_user_mode(regs, nr);(gdb) n 80 if (!do_syscall_x64(regs, nr) && !do_syscall_x32(regs, nr) && nr != -1 ) {(gdb) b do_syscall_x64 Breakpoint 3 at 0xffffffff81afa0f5 : file arch/x86/entry/common.c, line 48. (gdb) c Continuing. Thread 1 hit Breakpoint 3 , do_syscall_x64 (nr=1 , regs=0xffffc90000427f58 ) at arch/x86/entry/common.c:48 48 if (likely(unr < NR_syscalls)) {(gdb) n 49 unr = array_index_nospec(unr, NR_syscalls);(gdb) n 50 regs->ax = sys_call_table[unr](regs); >>我们构建的syscall函数表 ,下标1 对应__x64_sys_write(gdb) p sys_call_table $11 = 0xffffffff820002a0 <sys_call_table> (gdb) p sys_call_table[1 ] $12 = (const sys_call_ptr_t ) 0xffffffff8130f9b0 <__x64_sys_write> (gdb) disassemble __x64_sys_write Dump of assembler code for function __x64_sys_write: 0xffffffff8130f9b0 <+0 >: nopl 0x0 (%rax,%rax,1 ) 0xffffffff8130f9b5 <+5 >: mov 0x60 (%rdi),%rdx 0xffffffff8130f9b9 <+9 >: mov 0x68 (%rdi),%rsi 0xffffffff8130f9bd <+13 >: mov 0x70 (%rdi),%rdi 0xffffffff8130f9c1 <+17 >: jmp 0xffffffff8130f8d0 <ksys_write> ->最终执行的函数,三个参数,rdi, rsi, rdx
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SYSCALL_DEFINE3(write, unsigned int , fd, const char __user *, buf, size_t , count) { return ksys_write(fd, buf, count); >>write属于使用三个参数的,因此使用SYSCALL_DEFINE3 } #define SYSCALL_DEFINE3(name, ...) SYSCALL_DEFINEx(3, _##name, __VA_ARGS__) #define SYSCALL_DEFINEx(x, sname, ...) \ SYSCALL_METADATA(sname, x, __VA_ARGS__) \ >>默认CONFIG_FTRACE_SYSCALLS=y,方便我们ftrace 抓取系统调用事件 __SYSCALL_DEFINEx(x, sname, __VA_ARGS__)
x64_64 syscall流程总结 系统启动时存放syscall底层入口到指定MSR,之后应用程序 通过syscall
汇编指令将该MSR的值放到RIP,切到内核态,或者称为特权模式(ring 0),即获取内核对应的代码段和堆栈,之后进行内核态执行
x86与x86_64系统调用对比 x86是通过中断trap门逻辑,而x86_64是通过MSR来切换RIP的。 疑问 现在都是直接寻址,即虚拟地址都是线性地址,不再需要段寻址,直接页寻址即可,因此cs和ss(数据段)除了兼容之外,在直接寻址的堆栈保存和恢复中没有作用 名词 1. IDT INTERRUPT DESCRIPTOR TABLE
2. TSS Task-State Segment 通过segment中保存的task信息来恢复处理现场
3. IST Interrupt Stack Table
参考 add_random_kstack_offset Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual Volume 3A: System Programming Guide, Part 1